Overhaul Kits
Transend - Products List
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Axle Bearings, Seals, Studs Bands Bushings Cases, Housings & External Parts Cleaner and Solvents Clutch Plates Complete Transmission Cooler Service Items Coolers & Related Items Driveline Electrical Filters Flexplates Fluids, Additives, Lubes Fuel Service Items General Hardware, Nuts, Bolts, Clips General Lubricants Hard Parts Hardware, Nuts, Bolts, Clips Manual Transmission Parts Master Rebuild Kits Metal Clad Seals Modulators Mounts Personal Protective Products Pistons Sealing Items Service Items Set-Up Bearings Shop Tools and Accessories Small Parts & Seals Snap Rings Sprags & One Way Clutches Springs Tools Torque Converters Transfer Case Parts Valve Bodies and Components Valve Train Components Vehicle Detail Products Washers, Bearings & Shims
Used Condition
Stock Availability
Without Bonded Pistons, (For Bonded Pistons add Part # 104960K)
6L80, 6L80-E HD, 6L80-EHD, 6L80-E
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Bonded Pan Gasket, Without Pistons
4R70W, 4R75W, 4R75E, 4R70E
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Without Pistons
68RFE, 66RFE
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Without Pistons, Fiber Pan Gasket
62TE, 62TEA
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Fiber Pan Gasket, Early and Late Combo
4L60-E, 4L60-E-HD
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Without Bonded Pistons, (For Bonded Pistons add Part # 104960K)
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Fiber Pan Gasket
4L60-E, 4L65-E, 4L70-E, 4L60-E-HD
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Without Pistons
TorqShift, 6R140
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Without Pistons
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Without Piston, (For Piston Add Part# 154967)
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Mid 2014 and Up
6R80, 446, 6R80E, 6R100
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Without Pistons, 4WD Rear Seal Not Included
S6-650, TorqShift, 5R110W
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Bonded Pan Gasket
E4OD, 4R100
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Does Not Include Pan Gasket or Pistons
6L80, 6L90, 6L80-E HD, 6L80-EHD, MYC, TR6070, 6L80-E
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Generation 2, Without Pistons
6T70, 6T75, 6T80
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Does Not Include Pan Gasket or Pistons
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