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Confirm OEM Part Number Before Purchasing; OE:24257213, 24259639, 24259835, 24275873
6L80, 6L45, 6L50, 6L90
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Without Pistons, (For Bonded Pistons add Part # 104960K) (For Steels add Part # 104139A)
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62TE, 62TEA
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Confirm OEM Part Number Before Purchasing: 24275873
6L80, 6L45, 6L50, 6L90
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Includes Electronic Pressure Control; EPC; White Connector
45RFE, 545RFE, 68RFE, 65RFE, 66RFE
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Remanufactured, 12.5" Body Diameter, Slotted Stepped Hub Type, 3 Mounts, Stepped Pads Mount Type, 11" Bolt Circle, 1.701" Pilot Outside Diameter, No Ring Gear, JMBX, 24236469, 24239789, 24245964, 24243221 Sticker Codes, Low Stall, 36 Turbine Splines, Lock-Up
6L80, 6L90, 6L80-E HD, 6L80-EHD, 6L80-E
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Remanufactured, 12.5" Body Diameter, Slotted Hub Type, 3 Mounts, Stepped Pads Mount Type, 11" Bolt Circle, 1.701" Pilot Outside Diameter, 1.1" Pilot Length, No Ring Gear, TMBX, 24222971, 24227948, 24227944, 24206642 Sticker Codes, Low Stall, 30 Turbine Splines, Carbon Woven Clutch Friction Type, Lock-Up
4L60-E, 4L65-E, 4L70-E, 4L60-E-HD
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Drop-In Components; Includes Pressure Switch Repair Kit
6L80, 6L45, 6L50, 6L90, GA6-L45R, 6L80-E HD, 6L80-E
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OES Remanufactured, Does Not Include Fluid
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Contains 5 Bonded Pistons
6L80, 6L90, 6L80-E
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2.5 Gallon; Low Viscosity; ATF-J3; Dexron VI; DW-1; Matic-S; Mercon LV; SP-IV; SPH-IV; WS; FZ; ZF6; ZF8
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Stator, 36 Spline, 9-1/8" Long, Steel Ring Land, Non Rotational Ring Type, Includes Rings and Seals; Failure to Follow PI1404 May Result In the Rejection of Warranty Claim; Must Be Cleaned with Kerosene or Mineral Spirits Before Install
6L80, 6L90
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Contains 5 Bonded Pistons
6L80, 6L90, 6L80-E
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Without Bonded Pistons, (For Bonded Pistons add Part # 104960K)
6L80, 6L80-E HD, 6L80-EHD, 6L80-E
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Cast # 24248033, Replaces Cast # 24236121, 24239892, 24248034, 24239952, Rotor Kit Not Included
6L80, 6L90
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Remanufactured, Does Not Include Fluid
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